The Garden
Stake your LP tokens and earn $POTATO! Participate in the leaderboards and get more rewards!
Last updated
Stake your LP tokens and earn $POTATO! Participate in the leaderboards and get more rewards!
Last updated
Initial Liquidity for $POTATO: 20,000 $MATIC / 10,000,000 $POTATO
LP will be locked for 2 years and will be relocked for the next years.
Total Reward Pool per year: 5,000,000 $POTATO
Total reward pool per year is subject to change on the next years which will be dependent on the current total circulating supply.
The higher the reward pool, the higher the APR if the number of staked in that pool is lower. Sample computation 1:
Only 500,000 $POTATO are staked in LP tokens. APR will be at 1,000% If you stake 50,000 $POTATO + $MATIC equivalent, you will earn 1,369.86 $POTATO per day Sample computation 2:
Only 2,500,000 $POTATO are staked in LP tokens. APR will be at 200% If you stake 50,000 $POTATO + $MATIC equivalent, you will earn 273.97 $POTATO per day
Sample computation 3:
Only 10,000,000 $POTATO are staked in LP tokens. APR will be at 50% If you stake 50,000 $POTATO + $MATIC equivalent, you will earn 68.49 $POTATO per day *APR changes every time the total number of staked LP changes. You might get different rewards per day.