🌻The Garden

Stake your LP tokens and earn $POTATO! Participate in the leaderboards and get more rewards!

Initial Liquidity for $POTATO: 20,000 $MATIC / 10,000,000 $POTATO

LP will be locked for 2 years and will be relocked for the next years.

LP Farming

Total Reward Pool per year: 5,000,000 $POTATO

Total reward pool per year is subject to change on the next years which will be dependent on the current total circulating supply.

DEX: https://quickswap.exchange/

How to provide and stake LP tokens?


The higher the reward pool, the higher the APR if the number of staked in that pool is lower. Sample computation 1:

Only 500,000 $POTATO are staked in LP tokens. APR will be at 1,000% If you stake 50,000 $POTATO + $MATIC equivalent, you will earn 1,369.86 $POTATO per day Sample computation 2:

Only 2,500,000 $POTATO are staked in LP tokens. APR will be at 200% If you stake 50,000 $POTATO + $MATIC equivalent, you will earn 273.97 $POTATO per day

Sample computation 3:

Only 10,000,000 $POTATO are staked in LP tokens. APR will be at 50% If you stake 50,000 $POTATO + $MATIC equivalent, you will earn 68.49 $POTATO per day *APR changes every time the total number of staked LP changes. You might get different rewards per day.

Last updated