Race Track
3000 pigs running around the Race Track.
Last updated
3000 pigs running around the Race Track.
Last updated
This is the Farm's take on an off-chain play-and-earn game which means no more gas fees!
If your pig is in resting mode, it is still on your wallet (on-chain) and can be transferred or sold at marketplaces.
If your pig is in racing mode, it is already off-chain and it is on our racing game contract for you to play it without gas fees!
If your pig is in renting mode, it means you rented it to a scholar for them to play your pigs. This allows the owner to set a specific percentage of profits to the scholar/renter. Rewards will be distributed automatically between the owner and renter every after race.
All races are player vs. environment.
The player will have to select among 5 colors of pigs that he/she thinks will win the race. Make sure that the pig is in racing mode.
If your selected pig wins, you can go ahead and claim your $POTATO winnings! As easy as that!